Thursday, April 27, 2017
Our Salon

Shannon's Story Finding Her Passion for Creating Beautiful Hair

If you are interested in learning more about NBRs, extensions that look and feel natural, fill out this form to book a consultation or appointment!

I grew up in a family of athletes passionate about all things sports. This became my story too. I loved sports and working hard to perform well for my team. My love of athletics led me to the College of Charleston where I played on the women's basketball team.

While at the College of Charleston I studied Business Administration. I loved Charleston, playing basketball and the college life. As my college career headed to a close, I wasn't sure what my next step should be. I was talking with a friend about what to do next when she mentioned an episode of the Oprah show she'd watched that talked about following your passion. My friend asked what I was passionate about.

My answer was sports because that was where my passion had always been. I knew that while I had studied business, I wasn't passionate about looking for a corporate job. Then it occurred to me that another thing I loved was hair and makeup. On the weekends when my friends were prepping to go out, I loved it. My favorite part of the whole event was getting ready with all my friends and doing each other's hair.

At the time the hair stylist I went to in Charleston shared that she had gone to business school and then gone into cosmetology school. I felt excited by that idea and from there my passion for doing hair was born.

I moved back home and started cosmetology school. I also found a position with Red Door Salon which offered a wonderful training program. The program was structured to allow for specialization. This began my year of hair bootcamp where my entire focus was around hair. When I finished cosmetology school, I also passed the Red Door Salon's color training program and went to work doing color everyday.

After about five years of specializing in color at Red Door Salon, I met my husband George. We got married and then relocated with his job to beautiful Boulder, Colorado. I worked for a little while doing hair in Colorado, but then shortly after moving we decided to start our family. I had my son Brandon, then our daughter Reiley only seventeen months later. Four years later we added our second daughter, Lindsey.

During this busy season, I still kept my interest in hair. I worked from a salon in my home between the births of Reiley and Lindsey. This was fun and allowed me to continue to focus on hair color. But, life got busy with three kids and I took a little break to focus on family. However, I studied hair extension methods, practiced my skills, and kept up to date on the current hair trends.

About a year ago, I decided to reopen my salon. Moore Colour is located in my home where I offer NBR extensions and color services. My passion for hair is stronger than ever. I love doing hair extensions and color and am delighted that I can offer these services in my home salon.

Shannon's Story Finding Her Passion for Creating Beautiful Hair
April 27, 2017
Shannon Reiley
Founder & NBR Certified Stylist